WARNING.— The person in whose name this vehicle is displayed may or may not be the current owner of the vehicle. Readers are warned, therefore, that this entry is not proof of ownership.
- Registration Mark
- BCI 239
- (a) Type:
- Type 1
- (b) Year:
- 1962
- (c) Colour:
- Black
- (d) Paint code:
- L41
- (e) Engine CCs:
- 1200
- (a) Country of origin:
- Ireland
- (b) County first reg'd:
- Laois
- (c) Current or last known location:
- Unknown
Model information
1200 Beetle and Beetle Deluxe
I don’t know the exact date that I spotted this 1962 Beetle but it was probably the mid 1980s. All I do know is that I was too young to buy it, otherwise it would have come home with me.
It was parked at the side of a garage in Monastervin, County Kildare. Back then, parts were hard to find for ‘older’ VWs and if it needed more work than a newer 70’s Beetle it may have been overlooked. I would love to think that this ’62 was found by a loving new owner and it survived. Do you know it? Did it get a second chance or was it sadly scrapped?
UPDATE 23-1-20: I found a photo of the interior and one of the rear.