9381 IK

Home / Vehicles / Type 1 / 1970 / 9381 IK

WARNING.— The person in whose name this vehicle is displayed may or may not be the current owner of the vehicle. Readers are warned, therefore, that this entry is not proof of ownership.


Registration Mark
9381 IK
(a) Type:
Type 1
(b) Year:
(c) Colour:
Lotus White
(d) Paint code:
(e) Engine CCs:


(a) Country of origin:
(b) County first reg'd:
(c) Current or last known location:

Model information

1200 Beetle Deluxe


Jim McCallum’s nephew submitted this Beetle to the Beetle.ie Census recently. We love this photo and would love to know more about it but for now we’ll take the approach that sometimes a photo says more than any amount of words ever could so I think I will just leave this one here and let you enjoy the image!

I don’t know if this Beetle is being towed or if it is driving but I’d love to think it’s driving! This 1200 Beetle Deluxe is an Irish assembled model, put together in MDL’s plant on the Naas Road in Dublin, sold and registered in Dublin in September 1970. At some point this Lotus White (L282) Beetle was parked outside under a tree or somewhere similar where it gained its weathered look, and yet it doesn’t look too rusty, from this angle anyway!

Is this your Beetle? Do you know anything about it? Please get in touch as we would love to tell its full story here on Beetle.ie

Submitted by: Jim McCallum

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