928 ZB

Home / Vehicles / Type 1 / 1975 / 928 ZB

WARNING.— The person in whose name this vehicle is displayed may or may not be the current owner of the vehicle. Readers are warned, therefore, that this entry is not proof of ownership.


Registration Mark
928 ZB
(a) Type:
Type 1
(b) Year:
(c) Colour:
(d) Paint code:
Non VW
(e) Engine CCs:


(a) Country of origin:
(b) County first reg'd:
(c) Current or last known location:

Model information

1200 Beetle Deluxe


The owner of this Beetle is not so much a VW enthusiast as he is a World 2 re-enactment enthusiast. I’m fairly confident that when this Beetle rolled of the Irish assembly line in 1975 that not one single person in the factory could have predicted what would become of this 1200 Beetle.

We love that Beetles are still being used by enthusiasts and hobbyists, not necessarily VW enthusiasts, to enjoy their hobbies and passions in their own unique way.

This 1200 Beetle Deluxe has been painted in camouflage colours and fitted with period style lights and equipment to help create the desired look. The owner has even painted a split rear window to make his Beetle look more period when on the re-enactment field. This Cork registered Beetle is based in Dublin now but was at VW Spares during the summer (2022) having some work done, including the fitment of a towbar.

We’d love to see this Beetle on the road or maybe even at a show so we could meet this passionate owner so we could salute his passion and enthusiasm. We hope he has lots of fun with his Beetle for years to come.

If you think military re-enactments might be for you, then why not check out the links to some groups and websites here https://idfva.ie/information-services/re-enactment-groups/

Additional Photos